About the Artist
Janet Niewald exhibits her oil paintings, watercolors and drawings nationally and regionally. She was selected for two Invitational Exhibits for non-members at the National Academy of Design Museum, NYC. Her work has been included in many respected juried competitions, including the Bowery Gallery, the Prince Street Gallery, and the First Street Gallery biennial competitions, all in NYC. She shows often at university venues, such as at Wright State University’s “Drawing from Perception”; a 3-person show, “Pictorial Strategies”, at William and Mary; and a solo show at Washington and Lee University. Her work has been exhibited at art centers in the Northeast and the South (SECCA; the Greenhill Center; the Sawtooth Center; the Washington Depot Art Center, CT). Her paintings have been shown at the Masur Museum in Louisiana, the Taubman Museum in Virginia,

and the Nelson-Atkins Museum in Kansas City. She was affiliated with Bedyk Gallery, Kansas City; Munson Gallery, Santa Fe; and Reynolds Gallery, Richmond, VA.
After attending Connecticut College, New London, and the New York Studio School Program in Paris, Niewald transferred to the Kansas City Art Institute to earn her BFA in Painting/Printmaking. Subsequently, she received her MFA in Painting from Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana. She was then awarded a year-long, Ford Foundation Grant with a residency at the University of Georgia, Athens. Following a stint of teaching at UGA, Niewald moved to Blacksburg, Virginia where she still resides. From 1980 to 2014, she taught in the School of Visual Art at Virginia Tech where she was awarded the SOVA Teaching Excellence Award as well as several individual research and teaching grants. In 2008, she received the Virginia Tech College of Architecture and Urban Studies’ “Career Achievement Award”.